All blog posts are written by members of MJEAL. The opinions expressed in these posts do not represent the viewpoints of the Journal itself.

Can the FTC Help Lower Rents?
Brian Hill

The Role of Electric Vehicles in Michigan
Eric A. Shalloway

Polluter Pays Principle
Jillian Gordner

The Oil Lease Under the Flower Moon
Anna Benham

The Social Cost of Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Camille Avella

Will Michigan Ever Have Clean Drinking Water?
Hannah Allbery

Climate Change Infrastructure: People, Property, and Takings
Ellison Hersch

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: Evaluating Legal Foundations, and Discussing Destabilizing Forces
Nathaniel Haviland-Markowitz

SEC Focus on Climate Change Risk and Disclosure
Kathleen Lok

Climate Torts Against Big Agriculture
Shanthi Chackalackal

Andrew Zhang

Agency Delegation to External Parties: An Unexplored Challenge
Benjamin Lehman

EV Tax Credits and the Shift Towards Electrification
Kate Meulemans